About Zendesk channels

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  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Denise,

    I'm afraid there's no attribute for support addresses so it's not possible to report on this in Explore. A workaround is to use triggers that will tag tickets or set a custom field value based on the received at address, and leverage that in your queries. You can check out this article for more information on this:Can I report on the received at address in Explore?
  • José Caldas

    Builder and messaging botintoyour websites and your help center. Need to be fixed..

  • Jennifer Rowe
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    Oops! Fixed now. Thanks for letting us know,José Caldas!

  • Nancy

    Hi Jennifer, just noticed that there's a Channel called: Closed Ticket. Could you help provide a bit more info on this? thanks!

  • Hiedi Kysther
    Zendesk Customer Care


    The channel called Closed Tickets, are for follow-up tickets. This is for when your customer replies to a ticket that is already solved and closed. As we all know, closed tickets cannot be updated anymore, so it'll create a follow-up ticket and the closed ticket will be the ticket's channel.

    I hope this helps!

    Hiedi Kysther

  • Nancy

    Thank youHiedi Kysther! I'm wondering how user replies to a closed ticket since we didn't let closed ticket shown on user's end. Or did they just reply via the email? since our mobile SDK tickets will also send an auto email to user's email address just in case user doesn't notice the ticket update. Really appreciate your help!


  • Hiedi Kysther
    Zendesk Customer Care


    正确的!收门票将通过电子邮件创建or to any channel actually. So in your case, if the original ticket is already Closed, and the customer responds via email, a follow-up ticket will
    be created. This article may be helpful for you:Creating a follow-up for a closed ticket.

    Hope this helps!

    Hiedi Kysther

  • Vincent Lieffroy

    Hello, what about WeChat and Instagram Direct as displayed hereafter ?

  • James Yang
    Hello, how can I get the complete data of the bots? Interaction data with bots and data transferred to agents.

  • Erin O'Callaghan
    Zendesk Documentation Team

    HiJames Yang,Analyzing your Flow Builder activityarticle describes the prebuilt Explore dashboard that shows information about the number of users who engaged with the bot or were transferred to an agent. And if you’re looking to create your own Explore reports, theFlow Builder datasetincludes the relevant metrics and attributes on this topic.

  • Nico Plinke


    When I create a ticket from a community post, the channel is empty.
    How can I set a channel here?

  • Anne Ronalter
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Nico,

    Community Posts do currently not have a channel.

    What I would recommend you to do, is to create a trigger based on a subject line described here:

    Community Post tickets do have it written in their headlines, therefore you can create the trigger by subject.
    In the Trigger, you can then add a Tag and then again create a view based on Tags.

    Here you can read more about working with ticket Tags:

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