About custom field types

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  • Bell Chen

    Hi Brett

    Please find the link and screen below for our form, thanks.


    User is not able to pasting the screen under description ticket field.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Fala,

    I have tested it directly on my end and it worked without any issue. Can you have your affected users clear cache and history on their browsers? If the same issue persisted, pleasecontact our support directlyto investigate further.

  • Bell Chen

    Hi Dane

    My question is to make the ticket field can paste the Screenshot, not only fill the word, please check, thanks.

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Fala,

    Thank you for the clarification.


    To modify it, go to Guide > Customize designs > Configuration > Edit Code.

    Go to new_request_page.hbs, look for the{{request_form wysiwyg=false}}and change false to true.

  • Bell Chen

    Hi Dane

    But i found the "image" icon only available for sign-in end user but not for "anyone".

    Is it expected behaviour?


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    是的, you are correct. I have also tested it on my end.
  • Jonathan Lunt

    I am trying to set up an integration with Monday.com. I'm trying to pass a Url to a field. Unfortunately i cant use the Regex field as it isnt a field that gets passed across.

    I thought just using a text field would allow this but for some reason when i submit the ticket the field is always blank so its looks like this is being removed by Zendesk.

    Is there any way around this?

  • Gab Guinto
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Jonathan,

    You should be able to pass a URL value to a custom text field via API. Have you tried reaching out to the team who developed this integration? It may be best to get in touch with them to ask for help diagnosing the issue. But, let me create a ticket where we can continue this conversation, and see if there's anything else we can check from our end. Thanks!
  • Jonathan Lunt

    Hi Gab,

    Thanks for raising the ticket.

    It looks like the issue has vanished and is now working as expected.

    I've closed the ticket.

  • Dave Symonds

    Can you increment a custom field value in an action in a trigger

  • Shannon Pesta
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Dave!

    Depending on the field type, you can certainly use custom field values in trigger conditions and actions. The field values will need to be predetermined before configuring your trigger actions. For more information, see the article:Using custom ticket fields in business rules and views.

    Hope that helps!
  • Dave Symonds

    Nope as it doesn't address the rather specific question - Can you increment a custom field value in an action in a trigger. I cannot see anyway its possible so can so if you can tell me yes or no then I can stop wasting my time searching

  • Shannon Pesta
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi again Dave!

    To answer your question, I'll need to gather more details about your specific use case and workflow. I have created a Support ticket to continue the conversation. Talk to you there!
  • Ana Baccaro


    We're using a macro that uses custom field (Date type) but we need the format to be set to MM/DD/YYY, how do we set that up?


  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Ana,

    The custom date field format cannot be changed. You might as well consider using Regex field but it will manual entry of dates.
  • Farisa

    Hello, I've noticed it's mentioned in this article that multi-select isn't supported by users and organizations fields.

    Do you plan on implementing it soon? If so, when?

    In my case, each organization (a company is a client) can have different key features activated and the package will be the solution they use. I'd rather have these info input with a multi-select than with a dropdown or several checkboxes. We currently have more than 10 key features.

    Thank you!

  • Joyce
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hello Farisa,

    One of our product managers confirmed in this通讯unity postthat the ability to create multi-select fields in user and organization is already in our roadmap. Though this was not completed in 2022 as mentioned, the team is still working on having this implemented.

    We recommend that you follow ourAnnouncement pageto get updates on any new features, fixes, and other important announcements.
  • Kärcher

    Hi, Is there a plan to add Lookup relationship fields to Explore as well?

  • Gab
    Zendesk Customer Care
    Hi Fabio,

    Lookup relationship fields are now available in Explore for datasets that support custom fields. These types of custom fields are available in the following folders of the dataset:
    • Ticket custom fields
    • 请求者/用户组织定制字段
    • Requester/user custom fields


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