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  • Omar

    Hey I had a question, I'm providing our contact form in multiple languages, with some custom fields that have specific values in each of them but are not reused anywhere else, currently I created dynamic items for each one of the fieldvalues so they are translated when needed, but is there an easier way to do this with text/items that are not used in multiple places?

  • Jean-Francois Weston
    Zendesk Customer Care

    Hi Omar and thank you for reaching out. I think you have used the best way to handle the situation. And I can't provide another way that would be less tedious or more efficient. Enjoy the rest of your day Omar, and stay safe!

    Jeff | Zendesk Advocate | EMEA

  • Pim Hulskorte

    Hey, I have a question. I want to add a variant to the dynamic content but the button 'Add variant' is not there. We are using the Professional plan. An extra language is already configured so I don't really get why I don't see the button 'Add variant'?

  • Juraj Jarmek


    I will have to look directly into your account to see what is exactly going on, therefore I will open a private ticket and reach out to you directly.

    Have a great day!

  • Terry Ehrhard

    我希望能够使用动态内容replacement for listing out tags to exclude. For instance we use two list boxes in our forms throughout; "Remind Me In" and "Remind Customer In". These are use for dynamically determining time for automations to fire based on user selections. The challenge is excluding these tags from other automations that might be doing the same thing for specific static times. This is a list of many tags in the list box to exclude where we list over and over again. We have also added more fields to this list. Instead of replacing the list of tags over and over again in many automations we would prefer to have a DC field where we could make this tag list and update once but propagate throughout many automations.

    See attached example in an automation (with an error)

  • Alexandre Sabatier

    可以生成动态内容吗tems from a manifest.json (like settings)?

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Alex,

    I don't believe that's possible, but it is possible to create Dynamic Content variants and items via the API – seeDynamic Content ItemsandDynamic Content Item Variantsin our API documentation.

  • Basile Jodeau

    Most of the links of this article are out of date

  • Dave Dyson

    Hi Basile,

    We've updated the article today – let us know if you still see anything amiss!

  • Chris Stewart

    Hi@...- is there any consideration to add the ability to use the search function to be able to search for the placeholder or dynamic content name?

    If I have dynamic content in triggers etc that need to be updated, searching by a text string (which I don't have readily available) is essentially useless.

    Would be interested to hear if others out there find the existing functionality fit for what I see as the most likely use-case.

  • Hugo Meana

    Chris StewartThis has been requested many times and always greeted by support and PMs with "Can't you just scroll through your 500 pages of dynamic content until you find what you are looking for, you lazy people???"

  • Jay

    SeeZendesk data object (placeholders) reference.

    This page doesn't link to anything in the article above :( I'd love to know what the specific references are so I could organize our system better

  • Dave Dyson
    Hi Jay, sorry about that and welcome to the community! That link should go here:Zendesk Support placeholders reference

    I'll let our documentation team know that link needs to be updated. Thanks for the heads-up@
  • Raphaël Péguet - Officers.fr

    Line breaks putted in dynamic content and then used as macros for messaging or chat disappear :/

  • Ira Semeraro

    Hi, is there a possibility to see a complete list in ZD or export a list of the names given to dynamic content and all variants? I mean to be able to search for e. g. "Coupon" (possibly also in other languages) and see at first glance all dynamic contents that contain this word + their variants.

    P. S. I agree with Chris S. A search function for the name of DC instead of text parts would be way easier.

  • Alexandra C.

    Hi there! I'm adding the French version to the dynamic content of our Help Page, following all the instructions (same as I did with the other languages), but the French help centre is still missing these translations. Can you advise me what I'm doing wrong?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Alexandra,

    向上on checking, your concern has been resolved through a ticket. For visibility, the resolution was achieved by creating a new variant for your FR dynamic content.

    Hi Ira,

    This can only be done by utilizing Zendesk APIs, mainlyList ItemsandList Variants.
  • Max

    I think we're missing a little 'copy' button near the freshly created placeholder in order to copy/paste easily. In general, would be appreciated near any placeholder :)

  • Andrew Kenny

    It seems Dynamic Content placeholders don't work in the Agent signature of a Brand. Is that correct?

    Also, Dynamic Content placeholders don't seem to work in the Agent Signature on an agent's profile.

    My Dynamic Content is working just fine when it's in a ticket comment, but can I use it in either of these places that don't require action from the agent?

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Andrew,

    I have tested it on my end. The value of the dynamic content was rendered without any issues.
  • Andrew Kenny

    ok, thanksDane. Then it may be the logic I've put into the Dynamic Content. Are there any values that should that might not work inside Dynamic Content when the Dynamic Content placeholder is placed in certain areas?

    {% if ticket.brand.name == Brand 1 %}phone number 1
    {% elsif ticket.brand.name == Brand 2 %}phone number 2
    {% elsif ticket.brand.name == Brand 3 %}phone number 3
    {% else %}ALL ELSE
    {% endif %}

  • Dane
    Zendesk Engineering
    Hi Andrew,

    You can use dynamic content placeholders in the following:
  • Cheyenne Trommels - Oorebeek

    We need most of our macros in both Dutch and English and got the tip to use DC for this. However, DC does not allow formatting like bold text. Neither can I add attachments in dc. How would you advise to solve this?

    For example we have a macro with appointment confirmation. We use bold headers to divide crucial information. Next to that in the macro we added a pdf with important information in our brand style. Using DC we cannot use the headers and all text is flat. An attachment cannot be added to the variants, so how do we make sure the macro adds the correct pdf (Dutch or English, depending on the language of the customer)?

    This seem basic options to me when DC is the way to go for translations of macros. At least you'd want to be able to use the same formatting/options as you can use in the Comment option in macros.

    Even easier would be if you could set up translations of macro's the same way as Guide articles; select the variants of the macro/Comment (or whatever you want to translate) WITHIN the macro, so you don't have to edit contents anywhere else than in the macro itself. It's so cumbersome you have to go to dynamic contents if you want to correct a spelling mistake or change a sentence, instead of being able to do this in the macro itself...

  • Sabra
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HeyCheyenne Trommels - Oorebeek! This is great feedback as this functionality isn't something that is available with Dynamic Content currently. I would highly recommend that you follow and upvote this feedback postAdd formatting (rich text editor) to dynamic contentso our product managers can see how wanted this is by folks. An alternative option that you could look into in the meantime is using liquid markup in your macro:Using Liquid markup to support multiple languages in automations, macros, and triggers.


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