Multiple brands ticket numbering


  • Nicole Saunders
    Zendesk Community Manager

    Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback, Mirek.

    How often does this come up for you? Do you find that you need to migrate tickets with much frequency? How significant is the business impact?

    If other users have similar needs, please up vote Mirek's post and share your own use cases in the comments below.

  • Phrase


    I think that the migration is just an example of one use case, but this Feature Request is more related to setting up multiple brands and distinguishing between them, which I think can happen more often than the actual ticket migration.

    As a user who has multiple brands, I would appreciate having an option to clearly distinguish between ticket IDs related to each brand.

  • jean.arnall

    We have a customer who would like to do the same thing - combine tickets from two different brands onto a third ZD instance, so would be interested to know if/when this could be a possibility

  • Jane Sullivan

    We have just implemented our system and our business partners are getting our ticket numbers confused with their own ticket numbering system. It would be great to have the ability to add a prefix to the ticket number so our tickets can be easily identified (as you can in NetSuite & Microsoft Dynamics). This is causing quite big issues and mistakes for us and generating rework.

  • Brandon

    I would also like a solution for this.

    Multiple brands with the option to choose prefixes for tickets.

  • Joe Tullar

    Bump! Would love prefixes or some way to separate Ticket #s per brand.

  • Osman Ibrahim

    Hi All,

    I would love this feature, it would make life significantly easier when differentiating between Incidents, Service Requests, and Problems.

    Is there any appetite for this to be added?




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