Email integration does not work well when same client involved in multiple deals


  • Jay Clementson

    This would be huge and an ideal way this should work but unfortunately, there is nothing in their forecast.

  • Katarzyna Kurzyńska - Madej
    Zendesk Product Manager

    HiTransurb,Jay Clementson,

    我想学习更多关于这个问题m that you're having and your use case. Could you tell me a bit about it?

    Are the same people participating in all conversations across all deals?



  • Jay Clementson

    Hello Katarzyna,

    Thank you for your question. To keep it simple, I know you can link an email thread to a certain deal, but the majority of customers are not as tech savy as we are so they start multiple threads for the same deal. This means we need to constantly monitor the deals to make sure the conversation is included in the correct area.

    I get that this is tough since the email is mirroring your email account (in my case, Gmail).

    Are the same people participating in all conversations across all deals?

    We have a mix of people.

    One quick thought, if you open an email, it should take you to the deal where that email was sent from instead of first opening the contact card.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

  • Katarzyna Kurzyńska - Madej
    Zendesk Product Manager

    Thank you Jay, it's super helpful.

    So I understand that your customers sometimes send you emails in different email threads related to one deal. Does the opposite situation also take place (that within one email thread, the customers cover topics from various deals)?

  • Jay Clementson

    Does the opposite situation also take place (that within one email thread, the customers cover topics from various deals)?

    Yes. They take it as an opportunity to ask all questions instead of jumping to a new thread.

    It's to the point where I don't waste my time anymore trying to keep everything separated and communicate more with the customer so they know how I operate.


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