• David Hall

    Hi Megumi,

    Thanks for your question. We don't have a GET endpoint for bundles at the moment, but we are certainly considering adding something like this.

    Could you please share some more details about your need here? e.g. are you trying to find what Flows and Actions you've created, whether the associated JobSpecs are active etc? Anything else?

  • Megumi Nakamura

    Hi David, Thank you for response!

    Yes, I'd like to find the flows I've created, and what jobs are working. Currently if I missed to note it before post, I cannot know what are running.

  • David Hall

    No problem Megumi, thanks for clarifying. We don't have a specific timeframe for adding this feature, but I've captured your feedback and we will use it to help prioritise.

    In the meantime, you may find theintegration logscan help a bit. If you click on a log entry, in the JSON details:

    - The "integration" value is the name of your integration (theintegration key)
    - The "flow name" tells you which ZIS Flow generated the log entry


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