Hot Reload in zat theme preview not working


  • Carl McDowell
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiMarib Aldoais
    Thank you so much for alerting us to this issue! Our product development team has been made aware, but we are unable to offer a target date for resolution at this time.

    We encourage you to follow Zendesk's release noteshereto receive notifications for enhancements and fixes as they are released and appreciate your patience!

  • Carl McDowell
    Zendesk Customer Care

    HiMarib Aldoais,

    Our developers have now released this update so you can在本地预览主题的变化。

    This gives you the ability to work on a theme in your preferred code editor locally and preview your changes live in a web browser. You don't have to upload the files to Guide every time you want to preview your changes. A background process running on your computer uploads your changes for you every time you save a file locally.


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