API providers reference

API providers allow you to use all the features of the Support SDK without the UI. They let you interact with Zendesk on behalf of an end user.

Before you start

Before you start, the following information is useful to know:

  • All API providers assume that you have correctly initialized the SDK, including providing a valid identity.
  • You can use the following API providers:
    • RequestProvider
      • Fetch a list of requests and create new requests
      • Used to fetch a list of comments for a given request and to add additional comments
    • HelpCenterProvider
      • Used to fetch categories, sections, and articles
      • Used to search for articles
      • Used to vote on articles
    • UploadProvider
      • Used to upload attachments
      • Used to delete attachments
    • UserProvider
      • Used to add or remove end-user tags
      • Used to set user-fields to an end-user
    • PushRegistrationProvider
      • Used to register and unregister clients for push notifications
      • Supports webhook and Urban Airship
  • API providers return a result asynchronously through a callback provided in a request.
  • On success,onSuccess(T result)被称为包含类型T对象的结果。On failure,onError(ErrorResponse error)passes the error that occurred. If a calling context is destroyed before the request is completed, you won't receive a callback.


Get an instance of the RequestProvider as follows:


Create a request (ticket)

The following example uses the provider'screateRequest()method to create a request:

CreateRequestrequest=newCreateRequest();request.setSubject("Ticket subject");request.setDescription("Ticket description");request.setTags(Arrays.asList("printer","fire"));provider.createRequest(request,newZendeskCallback<CreateRequest>(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(CreateRequest createRequest){// Handle the success}@OverridepublicvoidonError(ErrorResponse错误Response){// Handle the error// Log the errorLogger.e("MyLogTag",errorResponse);}});

Create a request (ticket) with an attachment

The following example usescreateRequest()to create a request with an attachment.

In the example, replace{attachmentToken}with an actual attachment token retrieved fromuploadAttachment ()in theUploadProvider.

CreateRequestcreateRequest=newCreateRequest();createRequest.setAttachments(Arrays.asList("{attachmentToken}"));createRequest.setSubject("Ticket subject");createRequest.setDescription("Ticket description");provider.createRequest(createRequest,newZendeskCallback<CreateRequest>(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(CreateRequest result){// Handle success}@OverridepublicvoidonError(ErrorResponse错误){// Handle error}});

The RequestProvider has many more methods. SeeRequestProviderin the Javadoc. Using them is very similar to the examples above.

Sending additional data in a request

You can send additional data in a request using metadata or custom fields.

Using metadata

TheCreateRequestclass has avoid setMetadata(Map metadata)method that can be used to add metadata to Requests. Seesetting metadatain the core API documentation for more details about metadata.

Here is an example of how to set some metadata on a request. In the example the keys of the metadata are "time_spent" and "account" and the values are "4m12s" and "integration".

CreateRequestcreateRequest=newCreateRequest();createRequest.setSubject("Subject");createRequest.setDescription("Description");HashMap<String,String>metadata=newHashMap<String,String>(){{put("time_spent","4m12s");put("account","integrations");}};createRequest.setMetadata(metadata);RequestProviderrequestProvider=ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.provider().requestProvider();requestProvider.createRequest(createRequest,newZendeskCallback<CreateRequest>(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(CreateRequest createRequest){Logger.i(LOG_TAG,"Request created...");}@OverridepublicvoidonError(ErrorResponse错误Response){Logger.e(LOG_TAG,errorResponse);}});

You can retrieve metadata using theTicket Audits APIor byside-loadingit with theTickets API. Here's a snippet of the API response from the Audits API showing the metadata inmetadata -> custom -> sdk

Using custom fields and custom forms

TheCreateRequestclass has avoid setCustomFields(List customFields)method that you can use to add custom fields to a request. Custom fields can be added in the Zendesk Supportadmin interfaceorAPI. Each custom field has an ID that's displayed when an admin views the field in the Zendesk Support admin interface. Ask a Support admin to note down this ID to use it in the Support SDK. Custom fields must be visible and editable for end users to work with the Support SDK.

Here is an example of how to set a custom field:

CreateRequestcreateRequest=newCreateRequest();createRequest.setSubject("Subject");createRequest.setDescription("Description");List<CustomField>customFields=newArrayList<CustomField>(){{LongcustomFieldId=1234567L;StringcustomFieldValue="Android 5.0";CustomFieldandroidVersionCustomField=newCustomField(customFieldId,customFieldValue);add(androidVersionCustomField);}};createRequest.setCustomFields(customFields);RequestProviderrequestProvider=ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.provider().requestProvider();requestProvider.createRequest(createRequest,newZendeskCallback<CreateRequest>(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(CreateRequest createRequest){Logger.i(LOG_TAG,"Request created...");}@OverridepublicvoidonError(ErrorResponse错误Response){Logger.e(LOG_TAG,errorResponse);}});

If your Zendesk Support instance supports custom forms, you can specify the form that will be shown with thevoid setTicketFormId(Long ticketFormId)method in theCreateRequestclass. Here is an example:

CreateRequestcreateRequest=newCreateRequest();createRequest.setSubject("Subject");createRequest.setDescription("Description");createRequest.setTicketFormId(1234567L);RequestProviderrequestProvider=ZendeskConfig.INSTANCE.provider().requestProvider();requestProvider.createRequest(createRequest,newZendeskCallback<CreateRequest>(){@OverridepublicvoidonSuccess(CreateRequest createRequest){Logger.i(LOG_TAG,"Request created...");}@OverridepublicvoidonError(ErrorResponse错误Response){Logger.e(LOG_TAG,errorResponse);}});


Using theHelpCenterProvideris very similar to using theRequestProvider. You can call the following methods from the list inHelpCenterProviderin the Javadoc.


Using theUploadProvideris very similar to using theRequestProvider. You can call the following methods from the list atUploadProvider.


Using theUserProvideris very similar to using theRequestProvider. You can call the following methods from the list atUserProvider.


Using thePushRegistrationProvideris very similar to using theRequestProvider. You can call the following methods from the list atPushRegistrationProvider.